Traditional Ayurvedic massage

Fatigue and body aches are two of the most common scenarios at the end of a long day. Whether you work in an office or have a job that requires you to commute a lot, your back, thighs, arms, shoulders, neck and other organs can ache and tire. Receiving a massage can be ideal in this case and in particular a rejuvenating Ayurvedic massage. In this article, we discuss Ayurvedic massages in detail and explain how you can give yourself a refreshing and relaxing Ayurvedic massage. So let's dive right in.

Why is massage recommended in Ayurveda?

When your body feels pain and fatigue, Ayurvedic massages can help relieve you. Ayurvedic massages are performed with herbal oils that have various health benefits. Through the massage procedure, the oils can penetrate through the skin, reach the tissues (called Dhatus) and help speed up the repair process.

En outre, les huiles ayurvédiques peuvent avoir de nombreux avantages pour la santé. Voici quelques-uns de leurs principaux avantages :

  • They help relieve stress and tension by relaxing the muscles. Head massage can help relieve headaches.
  • It improves blood circulation in the area.
  • It helps to strengthen the skin and make it healthier.
  • Regular massages with vegetable oils can relieve muscle tension. It can also help to get a good night's sleep as it calms the body.
  • When a full body massage is done, it nourishes the body and has a renewing effect on it.

Massage is frequently used in a variety of treatments used during Ayurvedic therapy. One of the most common Ayurvedic treatments is panchakarma, which consists of a series of massages. Here are some types of Ayurvedic massages:

  • Abhyanga: The most common and widely used method of massage, where warm herbal oil is used to massage the entire body. Applying pressure during the treatment helps to stimulate the body's energy flow.
  • Udvartana or powder massage: To relieve toxins, an herbal powder is used during the massage.
  • Kizhi or Potli massage: Herbs cooked in herbal oils or herbal powders are tied in a muslin cloth and massaged on the body.

Oils for Ayurvedic massage

Selon l'Ayurveda, l'application externe d'huile (snehan, en sanskrit) doit se faire quotidiennement, à tous les stades et âges de la vie. L'application externe de l'huile nourrit la peau, les muscles, les os et le système nerveux. Elle améliore la capacité à résister aux contraintes et élimine la rigidité. Si l'application de l'huile se fait par le biais d'un massage ayurvédique, ses effets bénéfiques sont multipliés.

Les huiles de massage sont créées selon l'ancienne tradition ayurvédique, nourrissent les tissus, nourrissent le corps (aromathérapie) et équilibrent les doshas. Ce sont des produits à très haute teneur en principes actifs (plantes) qui, en quelques minutes, pénètrent dans toutes les parties du corps, apportant des nutriments et restaurant l'intelligence subtile du corps. En Ayurvéda, les huiles de massage sont formulés et préparés spécifiquement pour être adaptées aux besoins de chaque dosha. Découvrez nos exemples de formules d'huiles ayurvédiques :

What is self-massage?

Abhyanga is a full body massage that helps the body relax. This massage can be done in the comfort of your own home. To get the full benefits of Abhyanga, massage your own body with an Ayurvedic massage oil. This is called self-abhyanga. It requires the use of an Ayurvedic massage oil. The oil should be carefully rubbed all over the body.

Choose the oil before starting the self-massage. Then choose a time to perform the massage. You can follow the steps mentioned below for a good self-massage:

  1. Warm 15-20 ml of oil in a bowl by placing it in hot water. To do a head massage or shiro abhyanga, you can use herbal oils such as Neelibringadi keram or Kesini Hair oil and for the body, use Thailams. To protect the floor from the oil, you can place an old towel or newspaper. This will make it easier to clean up afterwards. You will also reduce the risk of slipping. You can do the massage sitting on a stool or standing, depending on your comfort.
  2. Before starting the massage, put a few drops in your hand, to check the temperature and start penetrating the product.
  3. Start with the head. Dip your fingers into the warm hair oil and massage the scalp in circular motions. Start at the scalp and work your way up to the hair.
  4. The earlobes, temples, forehead, cheeks and chin should all be massaged. Massage this area with your fingertips using a soft touch. Next, take your body massage oil. Work on your neck, shoulders and arms. Long strokes are good for circulation. On the elbow, use a circular motion. Massage your fingertips one at a time.
  5. Massage the chest and abdomen area with your palm. Apply moderate pressure in a circular motion. Move in the direction of food flow as you massage the abdomen. Start at the large intestine and work your way down.
  6. Take the time to massage your thighs and calves. These are often the sources of pain. Massage your knees in circular motions and your feet, including the toes. Next, move to the soles of your feet. As you massage the soles, use gentle strokes.
  7. After the abhyanga, wait about 30 minutes for the oil to be absorbed by the skin. You can even do some light exercise and then take a bath in warm water.

Secrets of Ayurvedic massage

Kiran Vyas, one of the specialists of Ayurveda in France explains the techniques of Ayurvedic massage. This art of living which places the maintenance of the body and the spirit in its center.

Some essential links on Auyrveda

Ayurveda in France (Association of trained and certified professionals) :

Diseases and medicine in India according to Ayurveda by Guy Mazars Université louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris

Ayurveda. Globalization of a traditional Indian medicine by Lucie Dejouhanet (EchoGéo magazine number 10)

The Ayurvedic massage of Kerala, a traditional technique:

Physio-anatomical explanation of Abhyanga: An Ayurvedic massage for a healthy life.Article published in the Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy (2018)

Dissertation on the analysis of the manufacture of Ayurvedic oils.